Timber Workers for Forests

Timber Workers for Forests (formed November 2001) is an independent group established by timber workers who share concerns about forestry practices in Tasmania. We represent a broad range of people from the timber industry including: sawmillers, furniture and instrument makers, builders, joiners, cabinetmakers, boat builders, shingle splitters, fencing contractors, sculptors and other craftsmen

Timber Workers for Forests represent an important sector of Tasmanian small business, and are valued in the community for their local job creation, creativity and high value adding. Group members produce distinctly Tasmanian high quality products that are an integral part of Tasmania’s image, economy, culture and heritage.

Timber Workers for Forests provides representation for timber workers whose local timber resource is at present being depleted by the practice of clearfelling native forests containing unique Tasmanian timbers such as myrtle, blackwood celery-top and sassafrass and replacing them with eucalypt regrowth to be harvested on relatively short rotations. Group members believe such forestry practices squander the opportunity for maximum local job creation, maximum value adding and meaningful work now and into the future.

Timber Workers for Forests oppose the replacement of high quality forest with fast growing pulp species which create a future solely for mechanised harvesting with only one possible output – low value woodchips and associated job minimisation.

Timber Workers for Forests aims to raise the profile of its member’s contribution to Tasmanian society, culture and economy and promote alternative forest management options that will foster a long term growth in the industry whilst sustaining the environment on which it relies.

Joining Timber Workers for Forests represents an exciting opportunity to shape a new forest industry that serves the needs of ALL Tasmanians and to end current management practices that lead to the sacrifice of Tasmania’s forests for the primary benefit of big industry, shareholders and offshore interests.

Expressions of interest in joining Timber Workers for Forests are invited. First hand experience in the timber industry is a prerequisite for membership.

Please download and fill out our [Membership Application] and send it to:

Timber Workers for Forests
PO Box 101,
Kingston, TAS. 7051

For more information phone Frank Strie on 03 63944395 or  Email: Timber Workers For Forests

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